Moving your business is a tough decision, and should not be made on a whim. However, it is a costly and time-consuming process that might help your business to flourish.

Are you ready to take the plunge? Here are five signs you might be: 1. You enjoy a crisp Malbec or Gruner Veltliner over red meat, or love a lychete-scented Bergerac over a roast chicken as much as you do a Chablis, even more so? 2. You’ve switched your preference from Yorkshire puddings to hunks of freshly baked baguette soaked in the juices of your roast beef? 3. Children sitting at a table with their parents for dinner are what make you thrive for parenting 4. Having your food freshly made and bought daily gives you a sense of wellbeing?

1.You?re Running Out of Space

Is it time to move your business out of a garage or basement and into an office building? This is a very big step to take for most businesses. If you’re considering a physical location, for example, a brick and mortar business such as a shop or store, think about how you use your current space, what improvements should be made for success and how you will know when it’s the right time. For example, buying an industrial shelving system for your warehouse when you don’t have enough product yet to fill it up would be a waste.

Many companies that make the decision to relocate simply outgrow their current facilities or find ‘issues with the utilities, services and infrastructure’ at their current location, says Niche. It can also be a way to tap into new markets or cut costs.

2.You?re Growing

Increase in your business is a good thing, but it is also a sign that you have to move your business someplace else if your space is already getting tight, since your business is showing expansion.

Another is that it is difficult to attract new clients or customers for your product or service. This might be because you are located too far away from the clients you want to reach. Or, it might mean it’s time to move to a more desirable area.

Finally, if you are struggling to sustain your company because you are being taxed too much, the time is likely to switch. That move is likely to cost you, but it can often be well worth it.

3.You?re Having a Hard Time Finding Employees

There are times when it can seem like a good idea to start moving your business simply because it is easier to find employees in a new location. Before making a final decision, you should weigh up the impact it will have on the people who are already working for you.

If you find yourself squeezing people at work into tight spaces or have to walk into desks or cabinetry just to find your way to the bathroom, you might want to relocate your business. Or maybe you work out of your home and lose your car in your driveway because it is too filled with ‘stuff’. Procrastination around this can be characterised by employee grumpiness and ultimate frustration due to minimal elbow room, plus an eventual fire hazard and consequent safety issue.

Some businesses may also use relocating as a chance for a fresh start, hoping that a new neighbourhood or market will deliver greater success. Cost considerations can also sway businesses – a new location might lead to reduced rentals or much lower utility rates. However, delving deeper, you might then also ask yourself how your movement will affect your customers.

5.You?re Having a Hard Time Paying Your Rent

One of the main parts about running a business is that you are responsible for the finances. If your business can’t afford to pay the rent, it might be time to move.

Moving around is expensive – particularly timewise, with the upfront cost of buying removal services and getting a house or apartment set up, and taxes differ from place to place, which is a major variable in profitability.

Perhaps even more importantly, you also have to think not just in terms of what you need today, but in terms of what you’ll need down the line. Think back to our entrepreneur who ultimately decides to relocate his operations. If he wants to sell or expand his business in the future, does the new location have the support infrastructure – schools, highways and so forth – to accommodate those kinds of plans? Demographic research can reveal areas that have the potential to support your business over the long haul. Will the general workforce in the new area be able to contribute the necessary specialties for growth?